Baranetta form last month for you guys! <3 be sure to pledge me on Patreon to get access to my uncensored and personal works (including animations and comic) before I post them anywhere else!
De yummy-yaoi - Post original 11jun2015
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Baranetta form last month for you guys! <3 be sure to pledge me on Patreon to get access to my uncensored and personal works (including animations and comic) before I post them anywhere else!
//Lies on you comfortably (ABOUT PATREON)
De - Post original
Giveaway prizes : set 1
First set of prizes from my 600k followers giveaway I organized in May Characters belong to
I'm planning to upload next sets during June so stay tuned darlings
Fire God Vargas and Nature God Lance from Brave Frontier game. It’s a really addicting game, try it if you haven’t! :D